Wednesday 21 October 2015

A year later

It's been over a year since we landed in Abu Dhabi...and almost a year since we left. It's hard to believe that we were there...and even harder to believe that we only stayed 4 months.

I think about it all the time. There are things that I miss...such as the amazing malls, the great customer service, seeing camels in the back of trucks on the road, and definitely the money I made! But there are things that I don't having CRAZY students run all over the place and not listen to me, the crazy drivers, and the heat. It was a great cultural experience overall.

The bottom line is that it was not a good fit for our family. I know plenty of people who have stayed over there and love it...they may stay for 10 years. However, most of those people are single with no kids. Every time there is a holiday break, they hop on a plane to an exotic location. In my rose colored glasses, that's what I envisioned for our family. But when you have 2 young kids, traveling is pretty difficult. Our apartment was like a concrete prison. And then there was the fear that my principal was going to have me sent home and we'd be stuck. So we took matters into our own hands, hopped on a plane at Christmas time, and never looked back.

It's been a difficult transition, but God has been faithful. I don't ever want to think of it as a mistake.

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