Saturday 8 November 2014

False alarm?

Today I got a message from my SIL saying that my blog was gone. I wasn't at home, so I couldn't check, but less than an hour later a friend who is in the US messaged me on Facebook and said that she couldn't access my blog.


We happened to be at the Dubai Mall (which has free wifi...yay!) and I tried to access it from my no avail. There was a message in Arabic. I began to panic. I asked them to put the message into Google translator. Basically it said that the address had been removed. I was so upset! So many things ran through my mind...was it that easy to delete someone's blog? Had I said something so offensive that they'd reported me to Blogger? Was it really that easy to delete someone's blog???

I am at home now, and I think I've figured out what happened, but I can't blog about it. So if you know me in "real life", I will tell you, but if not you'll just have to wonder ;)

I will continue to be careful what I say. Just in case.

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