Tuesday 4 November 2014

Walking in a winter wonderland (?)

Well technically it's not winter yet, is it? But guess what?

It's never going to be "winter" in the desert!

That's what I want to scream at the top of my lungs here. Because guess what?

There are winter clothes everywhere!

Yes, here in UAE. The desert. Land of the camels. Where it's still at least 90 degrees every day.

Pretty much every store has winter clothes on display. I'm talking puffy jackets, hoodies, turtlenecks (!), mittens, Applebottom jeans, boots with the fur...ok, maybe not the last two...but you get it. You would think it's going to go from the Middle East to the middle of Alaska in a few days.

And I'm kind of ok with it (well, not really...) but I'm upset that I missed the changing of the seasons sales. I don't even know if they have those here, but all my American friends know what I'm talking about. When Target and Osh Kosh and all my favorite stores mark down the summer stuff to ridiculously cheap prices because they are making room for the fall stuff. Maybe it's because even though I spend an abnormal amount of time in shopping malls but I don't really shop that I missed this event. Or maybe the event never happened. All I know is that I refuse to by my children anything long sleeved unless it drops below 70 more than 2 days in a row.

I'll keep you updated.

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